Airborn Xtreme Offers Trampoline Classes in Their Own Space

Published in the August 2014 issue of Maple Grove Magazine.

It truly does take a village to raise a child and, in this case, that “child” is Airborn Xtreme. Husband and wife gymnastics duo and Maple Grove residents, Chuck and Karen Osborn, had a longtime goal of opening their own trampoline and tumbling training gym, and with the help of a village of volunteers, that vision became a reality last fall…

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The Nick Riley Band Strives to Inspire Fans to Be True to Themselves

Published in the July 2014 issue of Maple Grove Magazine.

There are numerous bands that originate from the Twin Cities area due to the thriving arts and culture scene. For some, like The Nick Riley Band, their goal is to make an impression in the world of music, but in a different sense: they want to inspire their listeners to be genuine and true to themselves and to find their own special path in life. How did they come upon this motivational and inspirational goal? It can be attributed to the man for whom the band is named: Nick Riley…

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